Our vacation started off last week with a special request to Branko, I have been wanting to check out Aberfoyle Antique Market since the first time I heard about it at least 2 months back. Branko and I have been looking for a grain scale type coffee table with caster wheels since we first saw one in March at an antique store. Sadly it was $1200 and way out of our price range! When I saw the photo that Brittany Stager from http://www.mydailyrandomness.com/ posted of the table she scored at Aberfoyle, I showed Branko and then told him the price. Haha his response was " we really need to check that place out!" (thanks brittany!!) On Saturday night I casually brought it up with Branko that I think we should take out the caddy with the top down and go for a cruise to Aberfoyle. Suprisingly he was on board, we had so much work to do that Sunday morning that I really thought he would say lets just go another Sunday. So exciting correct!!!! INCORRECT! We woke up early prepared our coffee and tea in our mugs and off we went. It was about a 45min - 1hr trek so we took our time and drove along the back roads. It was a perfect day for a cruise with the top down. We were honestly about 5 min away from Aberfoyle Market and the car started making this horrible sound.....yup the water pump was going on us. We quickly turned back and tried to make it back home but we didn't get far. Just past Guelph the water pump failed and the coolant all leaked out :( We had to get towed home and we never made it to Aberfoyle. Hopefully soon we will try to go again but for now we need to focus on the house and get it up for sale.
We have been working on the mudroom in the old house what seems like forever and I can finally say the end is almost here! The light fixtures and trim are all up. The door has been painted and put back into place. We just need to clean the floor one more time and put trim around the door. Yippee!!! The mudroom has never looked this good. I am not too sure what we were thinking waiting to get it done. I hope the new home owners will enjoy the fancy new entry room.
Now for some pictures!
Here is a picture I sent to Branko, he had to work on Tues. so I was left to starting the work on my own. As you can see painting is not my favorite thing to do:
Door painted black(it was an ugly green before):
Ceiling light fixture:
I will update further next week about the bathroom saga inside the old house.
We are so close to the finish line and getting this house up for sale!!! Then the real fun begins :)
OMG!! That sucks about the car. Guess another weekend will have to do. As long as you guys were safe is all that counts.
ReplyDeleteGood job on the door. I'm sure you had fun with that since you don't like painting much. lol
Mrs White
OMG that door!!! Branko also had the idea that the inside should be white the outside was black to match the windows. I put 3 stupid coats of white and it looked like crap! So I had to do 2 coats of black to correct the ugliness!