
The Log Splitter

It's been slow around here on the renovating side of things. Branko has been extremely busy at work which has left us with little time to tackle some big jobs we need to get done. We are still expecting about 2 more weeks of work on the dream garage until it will be ready for winter. Meaning we can load it with some belongings without any damage.

On some other exciting news though we picked up a log splitter from my dad. Yes, I know what you are thinking "how is a log splitter exciting" well my friends let me grace you with this picture....

Yes, that above picture is a pile of wood that we have been hoarding. That is 4 dump trucks of wood or 10-15 bush cords. Which ever makes it easier for you to understand the unprecedented amount of wood we need to chop. 

We had to cut down a large amount of trees at the old house to really fix up the landscaping. Then at the new house we had to cut down more trees to make room for the dream garage. Don't worry all you tree huggers, cutting the trees down was a little sad for us as well but it had to be done. Don't forget we are on a tax management forest program to save trees!!

Ok, back to the log splitter. We finally managed to pick it up and bring it home. We tried using it last week but some of the fittings had to be changed so last night we were finally set and ready to go.

Now can I just tell how exciting it is when you realize you just saved $200 in an hour! That is the cost of 1/2 bush cord of chopped wood delivered. 

MORE PURSES, WALLETS, CLOTHES, SHOES.........oh wait Branko reads this.... I totally mean more groceries!!!!! 

Here is the final product ready to be brought to the old house(yes we still have that home) so we have fire wood for the winter.

(that is half a bush cord/$200)

Tell me...Do you have a wood burning fireplace that you use? Do you chop your own wood or do you buy it from somewhere? Would love to hear your thoughts....


  1. I've learned that forestry management is part of having a large property and a log splitter is absolutely essential. We're fortunate that my FIL has one that he brings over regularly. Personally, I wish it lived here and went to visit the in-laws occasionally, because I love using it. It's such an efficient way to deal with a lot of wood. Speaking of which, holy wood pile, woman! That's a ton (or two) of wood. I'm sure it will keep you nice and cozy this winter.

    1. Yes, the tax management program works well for people with large property that has a lot of mature trees. We just recently found out we will be saving $4000 a year in taxes!

  2. My parents have always had a wood stove, which was our main source of heat in the winter. We had a furnace too, but our house was old and drafty, so really, we focused our warmth in the kitchen. I HATED stacking wood. It would go down in the dark, dim, spidery basement. One person would toss it from outside, and two or three would stack it in neat rows.

    These days, my parents have not one, but TWO wood stoves, and spent a lot of their time in the bush chopping firewood for fun. I don't get it, but I do miss having the fire place to sit by on cold winter nights.

    1. Haha funny enough I actually forgot to write about the part where I actually enjoy doing this! It felt great to be outside and a little bit of exercise never hurt! :)

  3. I would LOVE a wood stove, but we don't have one and I sort of doubt we'll ever get one. We're more likely to get a corn stove.

    Is your old house up for sale and you're just waiting for offers? We still have our old house too. It's not quite ready for market yet, but hopefully soon!

    1. A corn stove eh? I think I remember Branko talking about this before once.

      Yes, the old house is still up for sale and we haven't had any offers...although everybody thought it was very beautiful and clean! I guess that's a good sign, we plan to take it off the market for the winter and hit the early spring buyers since we missed that mark this year.

  4. Holy crap that's a lot of wood!
    And as much as it looks like hard work, I would imagine it's also satisfying work. Or maybe that's just the part of me that wishes I didn't live in suburbia talking ;)
    We had a wood burning fireplace in our first house but it wasn't efficient at all. I would really love to get a high efficiency wood stove for this house though. I drive my husband crazy talking about it every year at this time!

    1. It is a lot work but kind of easy/not easy! haha if that made any sense! We actually enjoy preparing the wood for the winter so long as we don't over due it!

      Yes, some wood burning fireplaces have a special part on it called a catalytic converter which allows for better burning of the wood :)
